Intel iMac 20" Complete Display

SKU: 661-4434

Product details

M201EW02 661-4434 LCD Display Panel - iMac Mid 2007, 20inch 2.0-2.4GHz A1224 NB-3236W
This is a complete display for the Intel iMac. There are several types of this LCD depending on model and condition. It comes with the brackets and inverter cables. Most of the displays by Apple were LG brand but sometimes they did use an off-brand. You'll want to check on the back of your current LCD before buying to determine the brand you need.
EEE code: 12H,12J,X4U,X4V,YFW

Apple part number: 661-4434, M201EW02

Compatible models: A1224-Mid 2007-MA876LL, A1224-Mid 2007-MA877LL, M201EW02

Compatible Mac info. : 20-inch 2.0GHz iMac , 20-inch 2.4GHz iMac M201EW02

661-4434 LCD Display Panel - iMac Mid 2007, 20inch 2.0-2.4GHz A1224 M201EW02