7mm screws for 17" Unibody

SKU: 922-8645

Product details

922-8645 Screw, Package of 5, 7 mm, A1278 , A1286 , A1297 , A1342 Macs NB-1504W
7mm screws for 17" Unibody
Apple part number: 922-8645

Compatible models: Unibody-A1278, Unibody-A1278, White-Unibody-A1342, White-Unibody-A1342, Unibody-A1278-Firewire, Unibody-A1278-Firewire, Unibody-Late 2008-A1286, Unibody-Late 2008-A1286, Unibody-Mid 2009-A1286, Unibody-Mid 2009-A1286, Unibody-Mid 2009-A1286, Unibody-Mid 2010-A1286, Unibody-Mid 2010-A1286, Unibody-Mid 2010-A1286, Unibody-Early 2009-A1297, Unibody-Early 2009-A1297, Unibody-Mid 2009-A1297, Unibody-Mid 2009-A1297, Unibody-Mid 2010-A1297, Unibody-Mid 2010-A1297, MB466LL/A, MB467LL/A, MC207LL/A, MC516LL/A, MB990LL/A, MB991LL/A, MB470LL/A, MB471LL/A, MC118LL/A, MB985LL/A, MB986LL/A, MC371LL/A, MC372LL/A, MC373LL/A, MB604LL/A, , MC226LL/A MC227LL/A, , MC024LL/A, ,

Compatible Mac info. : 2.0GHz Core 2 Duo 13-inch 2.26GHz Core 2 Duo 13-inch 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo 13-inch 2.53GHz Core 2 Duo 15-inch 2.4GHz i5 Intel 15-inch 2.53GHz i5 Intel 15-inch 2.66GHz i7 Intel 15-inch - 2.8GHz Core 2 Duo 17-inch 2.53GHz Intel Core i5 17-inch Macbook Pro , 2.66GHz Intel Core i7 17-inch Macbook Pro

922-8645 Screw, Package of 5, 7 mm, A1278 , A1286 , A1297 , A1342 Macs