MacBook Pro 15" PRAM Battery

SKU: 922-7190

Product details

CR2025 CR2025/USTC 922-7190 Backup Battery - 15inch Pro Core Duo, Macbook NB-4413W
This is a replacement PRAM Battery for the first generation MacBook Pro 15". If your machine is having trouble saving the date and time, you probably need this.
Apple part number: 922-7190, CR2025 CR2025/USTC

Compatible models: PreUnibody-A1150, PreUnibody-A1150, PreUnibody-A1150-Glossy, MA463LL/A, MA464LL/A, MA600LL/A, MA601LL/A, CR2025 CR2025/USTC

Compatible Mac info. : 1.83GHz Core Duo 15-inch 2GHz Core Duo 15-inch 2GHz- 2.16 Core Duo 15-inch Macbook Pro CR2025 CR2025/USTC

922-7190 Backup Battery - 15inch Pro Core Duo, Macbook CR2025 CR2025/USTC